Australia's coffee connoisseurs are renowned throughout the world as being particular savvy and sophisticated. Like many segments of aware customers, Australian coffee drinkers are:
- Conscious of the environment
- Concerned about ethically sourced produce
- Totally unwilling to compromise on taste
In Melbourne, customers are especially discerning. So, if you're courting their custom at your café, you'll need to stock high-quality, fair trade, organic coffee. We've put together this guide so you know what to look for when buying coffee beans wholesale.
At Terra Madre, we specialise in selling coffee beans that are organic, fair trade, and the crema of the crop. Get in touch to become a wholesale customer.
Check that the beans are organic

Many products claim to be organic when, in fact, they're anything but. All too often, the term 'organic' is misleading — like the terms 'premium', or 'reduced fat'. Trying to tell the difference between the real deal and marketing spin can really grind you down.
That's where a good wholesale coffee supplier can help. At Terra Madre, we understand the market. We know where to find genuine organic produce. The products we stock are certified by Australian Certified Organic (ACO).
Stringent industry tests ensure that organic really does mean organic. When you buy through us, you're guaranteed coffee beans that are:
- Chemical free
- Holistically grown and handled
- Safe from pollutants
Ask about fair trade coffee beans
Much of the world's agriculture is carried out under dangerous and exploitative conditions. Especially in developing nations, unscrupulous corporations are known to take advantage of vulnerable farmers and suppliers.
But when a product is fair trade certified, you can rest assured that people in need aren't being taken advantage of.
Fair trade:
- Sets a sensible minimum price for the producers
- Funds education and healthcare
- Empowers producers
- Incorporates gender equality and women's rights
Check where the beans are coming from
Many non-organic wholesalers don't want to tell you where their beans are sourced from. At Terra Madre, on the other hand, we take the moral high ground. We're open and honest about who we work with to bring you organic, fair trade coffee.
Our partners at OLAM Specialty Coffee deliver:
- a global network of quality produce
- the highest quality standards in the supply chain
- a collaborative process that improves producer livelihoods
Make your coffee beans last longer

When you buy coffee beans wholesale, it is imperative that they stay fresh for as long as possible. If your coffee beans start to go off, it can leave a bitter taste in your mouth—both literally and figuratively.
A good coffee wholesaler will have taken the necessary steps to preserve the beans, so that they get to you in the best possible condition. Before your beans arrive, they beans should have been:
- stored and transported in a cool location
- packaged in opaque containers
- protected from moisture with an air-tight seal
It doesn't stop there. Once you are in possession of the beans, we can give you some tips on storing them. For example:
- Keep the beans away from warm places, like near the oven.
- Refrain from putting the beans in transparent containers. Over time, the light will cause them to deteriorate.
Try some samples
It is not enough that your product has been ethically sourced. The bottom line is that your customers have got to love the taste. The last thing we would want would be for somebody to order a huge huge shipment of coffee beans, only to discover that they should have ordered something else instead.
There are big variations between different kinds of coffee beans, grown in different climates. Things like mouthfeel, body, taste and smell, all change from region to region.
At Terra Madre, we encourage you to sample a few different varieties before making your selection. You might even try running a few different brews past some of your regular customers, to see what they prefer.
We stock the largest range of organic food products and produce in Australia, so we are confident we can find the right bean for your needs.